Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Burn Me Up

They felt the surge, they felt the beat, and they felt the heat. They moved in sync with the music and with each other, like a well choreographed dance scene that one would see in a strip club. The only difference between this dance and a dance in a strip club is that, in a strip club, clothes would be taken off. Here, the bodies are packed together so tightly, and their clothes are so drenched in sweat, that the clothes stick to the body and all hands are on a person other than the body they belong to.
            And why are these bodies packed so tightly together, grinding and writhing in the hot dense air? Because they heard the call. They heard the call for fire to be built and for war to consume the world. This is their last night, the last night that they will ever feel this heat and this fire within themselves. Soon, hours from now, they will feel a different fire. A fire that will beg to be quenched in blood and not sweat as this one begs to devour.
            When this war is over, they won’t feel the fire as they feel it now, they won’t feed their lusty desires in this den of sin. Instead, they will dance on the bones of their conquered enemies in the cold winter that they can’t stand and will cry out in pain from the bones piercing their bare feet and the frozen air burning their lungs in a way that they are not used to. This war will give them the earth that was meant for the humans and put their prince at ease. They will no longer have to cower in the sight of God and his angels, because they have won.
            The fire that burns them now will be nothing like the fire that will burn them once they reach their final destination. It will be a splendid affair that will leave them gasping for flesh and carnage, but it will not be quenched. They will never be quenched because a fire can do nothing but consume, and they bathe in what is unquenchable. 

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